Thursday, March 26, 2015

Switch up your spring workout

Are you ready to break through the last of the winter blahs and start having fun this spring? Of course you are, and we’re here to help. Check out our picks for five fresh ways to get fit this spring. Trust us, you’ll forget you’re even exercising!
Friends walking together

Get your game on

When was the last time you tossed a ball, made a great catch or scored a goal? If it’s been years (as in you were still in elementary school), it’s time to get sporty. Gather a group of like-minded friends and neighbors and start a weekly game of your choice, or join a local league. Whether it’s basketball, soccer, baseball or field hockey, getting outside and letting your competitive side come out can be a great way to get fit this spring.

jump ropeThink like a kid

Exercise need not be boring. Think back to being a kid – being told to “Go out and play” was a blessing, not a curse. Get back to skipping rope, enlist your significant other in a game of Frisbee or race your kids around the block. Kids move for fun, not to fit into skinny jeans. Embrace some of that carefree attitude and all of sudden – fitness is fun!

Train as a group
Slugging it out with your trainer solo can be tough. We’re willing to bet there’s some days you’d rather be anywhere but being coaxed into yet another rep or what feels like your 500th pull-up. This spring, cut costs and have more fun by getting a group of friends or co-workers together and working out with a trainer together. The camaraderie will help keep you motivated and you’ll have much more fun doing endless leg lifts when you can gossip while you sweat.

Combine fitness and friends

Bored of your usual fitness routine? Skip the gym and enlist your best pals to help make burning calories less of a burden. Start a weekly walking or running club (you can catch up on each other's lives while you move), have a yoga or Pilates teacher come to one of your homes (whoever has the most space) or take a class (dance, boxing) as a group. You’ll sweat more, look at your weekly workouts in a whole new light (as in actually look forward to them) and have a great time.

Try something totally new

If you’ve always wanted to learn to surf, rock climb or even try the trapeze, there’s likely a class you can take to learn your activity of choice. Once a week (or more), you’ll be doing something fresh, new and invigorating. Not only will you be having fun, you’ll feel great knowing you’re learning a new skill.
Whatever you do to stay active this spring, make sure to change things up to avoid getting bored. If you’re hitting the gym three times a week, make one or two other days the ones where you work out with friends, do something new or get active with your kids or partner.

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