Monday, March 23, 2015


So this whole “new year, new me” thing didn’t work out right? BUT losing weight can actually be quite simple, all you have to do if make a couple of small lifestyle changes, stick to them and most importantly, be patient!
1. Evaluate What You Eat
So how many takeaways do you have a week? What do you eat for breakfast? Do you enjoy chocolate in the evenings? These are very pertinent questions which need to be answered. If you are taking in too many calories a day, you are going to put on weight, its very simple.
What you have to do is make a few simple adjustments at meal times and substitute the wrong things with healthier choices.
2. Start the Exercise
Get moving and get shaking. Maybe start walking or running, go to an exercise class like Zumba or Bokwa or join a gym. No matter what exercise you commit yourself to you have to stick with it and do it regularly.
spinning exercise
3.  Take in Your Five a Day
You must start consuming fruit and veg! Fruit and veg are so good for you, they are low in calories and high in nutrients, fiber, and water. All of these will help you lose weight without being hungry.
vegetables and fruits.
4. Watch What you Drink
Alcohol has a serious amount of calories. Nobody is telling you to stop drinking but you have to do it in moderation and watch out for the fast food and Chinese cravings the day after.
5. Keep Track of What Your Doing
Write down what your consuming and what exercise you’re doing. Create goals for yourself with weekly and monthly targets for weight loss and improved exercise.

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