Sunday, May 17, 2015

How does a good diet increase your metabolism?

 If you are just starting your journey a healthy lifestyle, the study of new healthy habits can be mastered only with 9 principles of good nutrition. Using these principles, you can see the changes in your body and how you feel as fast as in the first week. This especially true if you come from a background of unhealthy packaged, processed and refined foods. Your body will make changes from the inside. At first, you may begin to feel healthier, more energetic, and full of energy. Losing fat as a side effect, if that is your goal. Having good diet healthy diet. If you build healthy habits using these 9 helpful tips, you’ll be well on your way of mastering a healthy diet.
1 – Keep Away Sugar monster, eating at regular intervals
“I see food, I eat.” That’s the mentality of most people, and what made ​​the overweight and obese society. Studies have shown that eating at regular intervals, every two to four hours of wakefulness, it is important not only for health but also for body composition as well. Some health benefits from the use of this strategy are:
  • Balanced blood sugar levels
  • Less cravings and overeating
  • Better three mental and physical performance
  • Increase metabolism
  • Saving muscle
2 – Eat organic foods: Calories weight in gold
You’ve probably heard that the calories just calories and all that is a healthy weight takes in the right amount. Though it is true to an extent, there are many other factors to consider. types of foods that you put into your body also matter. Natural foods provide your body with plenty of vitamins, minerals and nutrients. This helps the body to function optimally. By filling your body with the nutrients necessary to keep cravings at bay.
3 – Eat protein with every meal and Snack
Protein is an important building block of food, especially for optimum health and body composition. Some of the advantages include protein:
  • Balanced PH levels of blood
  • Proper hormone levels
  • Proper regulation of fluid balance
  • Saving muscles (especially during dieting)
  • Excellent source of energy (especially when no carbohydrates are not available)
  • Proper functioning of the immune system
  • Higher rate of metabolism (great for losing weight)
4 – Love Your Vegetables
Vegetables absolute best source of carbohydrates because they provide tons of nutrients and antioxidants that you can not get from other types of food. Consuming a diet high in fruits and vegetables, you are lowering your risk of developing chronic diseases such as cancer and cardiovascular disease . Vegetables and fruits also provide fullness because of their fiber content. They help eliminate waste and stabilize blood sugar. Best of all, they provide fewer calories, which is great for those trying to lose weight.
5 – Do not allow fat to be your enemy
Contrary to what you said, dietary fat is not your enemy. “No fat” or “low fat” diet is a diet in the past. These diets were based on an artificial, unnatural trans fats, used as a preservative in a pre-packaged foods. New studies have even shown that saturated fats are healthy, as long as they are balanced with other types of dietary fat. Dietary fats are important for many reasons:
  • important source of energy
  • forming your cell membranes of the brain and nervous system
  • hormone balance
  • promoting a healthy immune system
  • the need to maintain low inflammation
6 – Drink water and teas
Exchange sodas and fruit juices for healthy options, such as water and herbal teas or conventional. Coffee good even if you have no problem with stimulants, or you can opt for decaffeinated coffee. Soda just not healthy whether sugar, zero calories or regularly. (See my hub to avoid food additives for more information.) Juices are high in calories and sugar. Instead, keep your calories in food.
Your best option for beverages is water. Your body is composed of nearly 60 percent of total body weight. This is a lot of water! Water carries nutrients and oxygen to cells, protects the organs of the body, regulates body temperature, lubricates joints, moisturizes the mucosa helps the kidneys and liver from washing waste and helps prevent constipation. Recent studies have also shown that water is your secret weapon in losing weight. So, enjoy!

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