Wednesday, May 27, 2015

7 Actions to Do to Get/Stay Healthy.

The keys of success
I get asked a lot about how I lost so much weight or how I have been able to keep it off. I also get asked a lot about the food choices that I make (clean eating) and how was able to adapt. It turns out, that for almost every person that asks, I have a similar series of responses. Upon reflection, it turns out that there are several actions or behaviors that I have routinely done over the past several years. Here’s my 7 secrets revealed folk:
  1. I developed my “Why” – this is your goal, your purpose, your desire, your need, your strongest possible reason why you want to change your health. This “why” has to be stronger than any excuse that will be thrown your way and have to consistently stand up to “I don’t have time”, “I don’t like eating that”, “I don’t have the money”, or “I will never be able to do it”. No one can give this to you. YOU have to decide that the time is now.
  2. I have never dieted – I eat healthy and treat this as a core behavior in my lifestyle. I choose foods that make me feel good and not sluggish, greasy or tired. I have never looked at this as being restrictive, versus a choice of fueling my body with the best possible energy. I developed a desire for foods that were high quality, tasted good, and were easy and natural to prepare. The closest term I can relate to is Clean Eating. To learn more, check out a previous blog post here.
  3. I measure progress, not weight – yes, I have lost 60+ pounds and that was very important for my health. But I also measure progress in terms of my overall measurements, how I feel in general, my happiness and outlook, and my physical abilities (what I can do now as a 40-year-old, that I couldn’t do over the last 20 years).
  4. I am consistent – I show up every day to lead a healthy life. It is not about being perfect. It is about doing a fitness program and eating healthy consistently. I don’t look for a quick fix or magic potion. Everything that I have been able to accomplish is because I treat my body right consistently.
  5. I use a plan, period. – For my fitness, I always use a plan. Whether it be 30, 60 or 90 days. I select a plan and I commit to it. Most plans are purposefully designed to work in harmony with each workout and to maximize the result. If a workout is written on the plan, it becomes non-optional for that day. Plans are huge – I see too many folks who don’t have plans give up, get lackluster or inconsistent results.
  6. I surround myself with supportive people – This is key for sustainable results. When I first started out with P90X, I didn’t have a support system. I made if through the program based on my internal drive only. But, I am not sure I would have sustained if I didn’t get plugged into a group of folks to support and motivate me. This includes developing relationships with a Coach. Since then, I became a Coach. I work out even harder now because I feel accountable to the folks I am coaching.
  7. I was willing to change for good – it may seem overwhelming now to think that you should live this way for the long-term. Trust me, once you get results and follow the other 6 points, you will develop a WANT to change for good.

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