Thursday, July 30, 2015

5 Things You Can Do Right Now To Jump Start Healthy Living

Healthy living

Healthy living Tip #1. Be brutally honest with yourself…

Over two years ago when I was just beginning my health journey, I was 50+ pounds overweight. I decided to strive for healthy living , after an argument with my family about my recent weight gain. Everyone I knew seemed to be telling me, I was gaining weight. I thought those around me should have been more supportive. I was finnally forced to see reality, at my yearly physical exam. The experience of stepping on a scale, forced me to look at myself, and be brutally honest. I realized, that maybe my friends and family had a point. After that I could run no more from this problem. If I wanted to achieve a healthy living as a goal, change was desparately needed. The scale showed, and exposed every pound I had gained.  I decided to be honest with myself about the reality of the problem. While I still struggle with this, I do make it a habit too, try to cozy up to the truth. Rather than run away from it. Honesty is key, when initiating  healthy living .

Healthy living Tip #2. Hydrate…

This tip may seem redundant, but you would not believe how many people struggle to get proper hydration. For me it helps, if I carry around a bottle on me, or in my hand bag at all times. Scientific studies suggest we should get at least a gallon of water each day, to maintain healthy living. If a gallon seems like a lot then start small. The benefits of water are that it, curbs cravings, fills you up, and detoxifies the body. These benefits are essential for healthy living. Water also helps to keep the skin clear.

Healthy living Tip#3. Prepare…

When I was beginning to chase a  living healthy lifestyle, I had no clue, how to maintain healthy living choices. I would get caught with my pants down constantly. By that I simply mean I was caught unprepared. If you are going to start a healthy living arrangement , you have got to stay ready. I keep snacks and water on me, at all times. Trail mix, or veggies and hummus, are some snack ideas for a healthy living. Understand that most cravings come from a blood sugar imbalance, or dehydration. These cravings can thwart your healthy living goals. So if you never allow yourself, to go too long without food or drink, you are golden. Meal preparation is also another huge part, of  maintaining  healthy living. Meal prep is when you, plan your meals for a busy day in advance. I you know that if you do not have have ample time for lunch, you will be tempted by fast-food, so you can bring your own healthy meals. This kind of preparation helps to hedge against slip ups. I will be creating  in a healthy living catalog online soon full of my own healthy living recipes. I also use healthy living online resources like healthy living and

Healthy living Tip#4. Be mindful…

Mindfulness is simply expanding your awareness, of your actions. Human beings work in subconscious automatic patterns. Being mindful interrupts these patterns. This is good, because it allows you observe yourself objectively. Being able to see how we behave makes healthy living much easier. An example of an automatic pattern of eating, is way back before my healthy living days, when I used to come home after high school. Without fail, and begin a food ritual without thinking. It was hot chocolate with cheddar, don’t judge, it’s a  Puerto Rican thing.:) I also ate crackers with butter, a bowl of sugary cereal, with whole milk. Actually, more like like 3 bowls. I did all of this without a thought. This is dangerous, because I was mindlessly eating.  Jot down these healthy lifestyle quotes, and let it be your positive mantra. “Mindless eating the major threat to your healthy lifestyle,” and “Mindful eating will lead to a jumpstart to  healthy living.” Mindful eating includes taking your time as well as being nutritionally conscious.
 Healthy living Tip#5. Walk don’t run
Remember on your journey to building a healthy living habits, that patience is key. I know that is not what the industry preaches, but from experience. I can tell you Rome, was not built in a day. If all of this health stuff, is new to you, or your restarting a botched program. Please be patient with yourself, and build up slowly. The reason for this is, habits must form over time, at least a month, and lets be honest nothing is ever that smooth, so it maybe longer. Trying to grow to fast tips healthy living odds out of favor.This is why it is important for you to give yourself, and your body time, to transition smoothly. Start by walking first, before running. Start with a healthy lifestyle approved snack or breakfast, before you try to live off of, veggies and lean protein. These are my healthy living tips for women especially , hope you enjoyed. Comment below and let me know what you think.

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