Tuesday, July 7, 2015

3 Tips to Healthy Lifestyle

Healthy lifestyle is a good habit to create healthy living every day and avoid bad habits that can damage the health. The results of healthy lifestyle is of course is to make our bodies remain in good shape, fit and healthy.As for the other benefits of healthy lifestyle include : Healthy body and protected from various diseases, feel at ease, safe and comfortable, confident, balanced life, can sleep soundly, look more healthy, cheerful and youthful, helping success in work and enjoying the social life of the family, friends and community.While the result of an unhealthy lifestyle : a person can be exposed to a variety of diseases, including heart disease, high blood pressure, cancer, stroke, diabetes, lung disease and so on.On this article, I will specialize in the topic of discussion 3 kinds of risk factors that lead to things above (due to an unhealthy lifestyle), namely : smoking, less physical activity and less eating fibrous foods.

RevolahNet - Healthy life is a good habit

Healthy Lifestyle

1. Not Smoking

RevolahNet - Cigarette is dangerous
We know, cigarettes have become one of the biggest causes of death in the world, estimated at more than 3 million people worldwide die each year from smoking and 90 % of lung cancer caused by smoking. So in the State of Indonesia itself when there is a tobacco product shall include a warning for smoking.Some aspects are harmed by smoking include :Aspects of Health. In a cigarette there are approximately 4000 chemicals, and 400 kinds of toxins harmful to health. When a cigarette burns, the smoke outlines around 4000 chemicals with 3 main components : Nicotine (which lead to dependence/addiction), Tar (Buried in the lungs that causes impaired lungs) and Carbon Monoxide (Inhibiting the flow of oxygen in the blood and heart).Consequences include : Inflammation of the lungs, lung cancer, chronic bronchitis, coronary heart disease, high cholesterol, low birth weight in infants of a mother smoker, miscarriage and stillbirth, infertility, impotence and gastrointestinal disorders.Once the hazards and adverse health cigarette .Social Aspects. A smoker both at home and in public places are being deliberately poisoned the family and the environment posed by cigarette smoke. The impact is when people who are not smokers but exposed to cigarette smoke continuously, it can suffer the effects of health risk as bad as a smoker. In addition smoking can cause economically wasteful, bad breath, tooth and nail to brown, cause a bad smell on the hair and clothes, and the skin will become wrinkled prematurely. That's all of course interfere with the appearance and social interaction. It can be said smokers are not slang, so if you are a smoker you actually just " feel " slang.

RevolahNet - Physical activity have many benefits

2. Perform Physical Activity

Physical activity means moving the whole body so effortless. This is especially important for the maintenance of physical, mental and quality of life are fit and healthy. It is recommended to perform the physical activity 30 minutes in a day and do not need to be too heavy portions and 3 times in 1 week.The benefits of regular physical activity are : better health, more fit and healthy, body shape better and balanced, more confident, controlled weight, muscles and bones strong and limber, feel more energetic, Protected from heart disease, stroke, osteoporosis, cancer, high blood pressure. The benefits are very important and to be achieved by each person, how about you ?As for the condition before we do any physical activity so that optimum results are achieved : Perform physical activity before eating or 2 hours after meals begins with heating, light and Start slowly improved and When is common, can be improved and the load frequency in order to achieve the results we want , do less and do not overdo it.There are some tips that I can recommend for this physical activity, including : The Fast Way (For a quick way should use comfortable shoes), Pool (Sports pool is one of the best choice because it is one physical activity that is thorough, involving all organs in the body, highly recommended), gymnastics or stretching (very good to strengthen and optimize the muscles, bones and joints and blood circulation).

RevolahNet - Fruits and vegetables good for healthy

3 . Consumption of Food Fiber

Good healthy lifestyle depends also how a good diet is also particularly well-balanced meal. Suggested balanced diet is the consumption of a variety of foods in accordance with the guidelines of balanced nutrition. In a balanced nutritional guidelines one of which is Eat foods high in fiber, low in fat and contain adequate nutrition. For monitoring of course we will need to measure the weight routine every month .

Some suggestions of healthy foods : fresh fruits and vegetables (to meet the needs of fiber vitamins and minerals, fish (cholesterol and fat content is lower than beef), Limit salt intake (to avoid the risk of suffering from hypertension and heart attack), Limit consumption of sugar, honey, syrup and chocolate (which can lead to overweight/obesity) and Limit your intake of fat (to reduce the risk of heart disease).

Healthy food that should be applied and consumed regularly every day. Especially for fiber from fruits and vegetables is important to assist in the process of digestion and absorption of cholesterol so that no excessive build up of cholesterol in the blood.

That's 3 healthy lifestyle tips, may be useful and can be enrichment of knowledge that can be applied in everyday life, is not it Cheap Healthy Festive, do not need expensive when we know the science?

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