Thursday, July 30, 2015

5 Benefits of Healthy Habits

The Impact of Good Health

pear with weights wrapped in measuring tape
You know that healthy habits make sense, but did you ever stop to think why you practice them? Research shows that the impact of good health on your quality of life is far-reaching, regardless of your age, sex, or physical ability. Check out these five qualities that good health promotes.

Controls Weight

Eating right and exercising regularly can help you avoid excess weight gain and maintain a healthy weight. According to the Mayo Clinic, you can obtain benefits of exercise by being active in simple ways throughout the day. For example, walk instead of driving vehicle or take the stairs instead of the elevator.
Eating a low-fat diet can also help control weight. When you start the day with a healthy breakfast, you help avoid hunger spasms that could send you running to the fast food before lunch, says the American Dietetic Association (ADA). The ADA also recommends incorporating at least five times per day of fruits and vegetables--which are low in calories and high in nutrients--in to your diet to help with weight control.

Improves Mood

Doing right by your body pays off for your mind as well. The Mayo Clinic notes that physical activity stimulates brain chemicals that often leave you feeling both happier and more relaxed. Eating a healthy diet as well as exercising can lead to a better physique, so you may also feel better about your appearance, which can boost your confidence and self-esteem. The American Council on Exercise reports that the short-term results of exercise include decreased stress and ability to think better.
It's not just diet and exercise that lead to improved mood. According to a study published in the American Journal of Health Behaviour, another healthy habit that leads to better mental health is making social connections. Whether it's volunteering, joining a club, or attending a movie, communal activities help improve mood and mental functioning by keeping the mind active and serotonin levels balanced, says the American Academy of Family Physicians.

Combats Diseases

Healthy habits can help prevent certain health conditions--such as heart disease, stroke, and high blood pressure--by boosting high-density lipoprotein (HDL), or "good," cholesterol and decreasing unhealthy triglycerides. This combination keeps your blood flowing smoothly, decreasing your risk of cardiovascular diseases. The Mayo Clinic says that regular physical activity and proper diet can help you prevent or manage a wide range of other health problems, including metabolic syndrome, diabetes, depression, certain types of cancer, and arthritis.

Boosts Energy

We've all experienced the energy drop that comes from eating foods high in sugar and saturated fats. When you eat a balanced diet including whole grains, lean meats, low-fat dairy products, and fruits and vegetables, your body has the fuel that it needs to manage your energy level.
Regular physical exercise also improves muscle strength and boosts endurance, giving you more energy, says the Mayo Clinic. Exercise helps deliver oxygen and nutrients to your tissues and gets your cardiovascular system working more efficiently so that you have more energy to go about your daily activities. It also helps boost energy by promoting better sleep--helping you fall asleep faster and deepening your sleep.

Improves Longevity

When you practice healthy habits, you boost your chances of a longer life. The American Council on Exercise reported on an eight-year study of 13,000 people. The study showed that those who walked just 30 minutes each day significantly reduced their chances of dying prematurely, compared with those who exercised infrequently. Looking forward to more time with loved ones is reason enough to keep walking.

5 Things You Can Do Right Now To Jump Start Healthy Living

Healthy living

Healthy living Tip #1. Be brutally honest with yourself…

Over two years ago when I was just beginning my health journey, I was 50+ pounds overweight. I decided to strive for healthy living , after an argument with my family about my recent weight gain. Everyone I knew seemed to be telling me, I was gaining weight. I thought those around me should have been more supportive. I was finnally forced to see reality, at my yearly physical exam. The experience of stepping on a scale, forced me to look at myself, and be brutally honest. I realized, that maybe my friends and family had a point. After that I could run no more from this problem. If I wanted to achieve a healthy living as a goal, change was desparately needed. The scale showed, and exposed every pound I had gained.  I decided to be honest with myself about the reality of the problem. While I still struggle with this, I do make it a habit too, try to cozy up to the truth. Rather than run away from it. Honesty is key, when initiating  healthy living .

Healthy living Tip #2. Hydrate…

This tip may seem redundant, but you would not believe how many people struggle to get proper hydration. For me it helps, if I carry around a bottle on me, or in my hand bag at all times. Scientific studies suggest we should get at least a gallon of water each day, to maintain healthy living. If a gallon seems like a lot then start small. The benefits of water are that it, curbs cravings, fills you up, and detoxifies the body. These benefits are essential for healthy living. Water also helps to keep the skin clear.

Healthy living Tip#3. Prepare…

When I was beginning to chase a  living healthy lifestyle, I had no clue, how to maintain healthy living choices. I would get caught with my pants down constantly. By that I simply mean I was caught unprepared. If you are going to start a healthy living arrangement , you have got to stay ready. I keep snacks and water on me, at all times. Trail mix, or veggies and hummus, are some snack ideas for a healthy living. Understand that most cravings come from a blood sugar imbalance, or dehydration. These cravings can thwart your healthy living goals. So if you never allow yourself, to go too long without food or drink, you are golden. Meal preparation is also another huge part, of  maintaining  healthy living. Meal prep is when you, plan your meals for a busy day in advance. I you know that if you do not have have ample time for lunch, you will be tempted by fast-food, so you can bring your own healthy meals. This kind of preparation helps to hedge against slip ups. I will be creating  in a healthy living catalog online soon full of my own healthy living recipes. I also use healthy living online resources like healthy living and

Healthy living Tip#4. Be mindful…

Mindfulness is simply expanding your awareness, of your actions. Human beings work in subconscious automatic patterns. Being mindful interrupts these patterns. This is good, because it allows you observe yourself objectively. Being able to see how we behave makes healthy living much easier. An example of an automatic pattern of eating, is way back before my healthy living days, when I used to come home after high school. Without fail, and begin a food ritual without thinking. It was hot chocolate with cheddar, don’t judge, it’s a  Puerto Rican thing.:) I also ate crackers with butter, a bowl of sugary cereal, with whole milk. Actually, more like like 3 bowls. I did all of this without a thought. This is dangerous, because I was mindlessly eating.  Jot down these healthy lifestyle quotes, and let it be your positive mantra. “Mindless eating the major threat to your healthy lifestyle,” and “Mindful eating will lead to a jumpstart to  healthy living.” Mindful eating includes taking your time as well as being nutritionally conscious.
 Healthy living Tip#5. Walk don’t run
Remember on your journey to building a healthy living habits, that patience is key. I know that is not what the industry preaches, but from experience. I can tell you Rome, was not built in a day. If all of this health stuff, is new to you, or your restarting a botched program. Please be patient with yourself, and build up slowly. The reason for this is, habits must form over time, at least a month, and lets be honest nothing is ever that smooth, so it maybe longer. Trying to grow to fast tips healthy living odds out of favor.This is why it is important for you to give yourself, and your body time, to transition smoothly. Start by walking first, before running. Start with a healthy lifestyle approved snack or breakfast, before you try to live off of, veggies and lean protein. These are my healthy living tips for women especially , hope you enjoyed. Comment below and let me know what you think.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Top Tips for a Healthy Lifestyle

Following a healthy lifestyle has a number of benefits, both for the body and the mind, including increased energy and concentration levels, improved appearance of the complexion, skin elasticity and muscle tone, a reduction in the risk of health conditions including diabetes, heart disease and cancer, an increased immune system meaning you will be less prone to illness and infections, control of your weight which then reduces the risk of obesity and weight related illnesses and the reduction of stress levels meaning your mental well-being is more relaxed and you are happier in yourself.

To help you follow a healthy lifestyle here are my top tips:

Food Pyramid
To maintain optimal health and to keep your body in full working order it is important to follow a healthy and balanced diet. The food pyramid (right) gives an idea of the quantities and types of foods you should be eating.
These should form the bulk of your daily diet and include rice, breads, cereals and pasta – choose wholegrain where possible. You should enjoy 5-7 servings daily from this food group.

Fruit and Vegetables 
Are best when fresh, eat within a few days of purchase and when cooking try to steam or Blanche to help retain essential nutrients which are often lost during the cooking process. Government guidelines recommend a minimum of 5 portions of fruit and vegetables a day. Be creative and make the most of seasonal fruit and vegetables – colour is the key!

Meat, Poultry, Seafood & Dairy 
Should be enjoyed in small quantities. Although they offer vital vitamins and nutrients and are a good source of protein too much is not good for your health. 2-3 servings a day from this food group is sufficient.

Fats, Oils, Sugar & Salts 
Should be eaten sparingly and in small amounts. This section also includes things likes cakes and biscuits.

  • Use the freshest of ingredients available
  • Use fresh food and cook from scratch as opposed to ready meals which are packed with salts, sugars and some scary additives
  • Try to cut back on fried foods, steam or grill where possible for healthiest cooking
  • Trim all visible fat off meats before cooking to reduce your fat intake
  • Use an oil spray instead of a glug of oil, you’ll be amazed as to how much less oil you will use

Aim to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day (this can include herbal teas, but excludes tea and coffee as these dehydrate the body). This will assist your body in flushing out toxins and keep your body and skin well hydrated.

No Smoking
Have you ever heard the saying your body is a temple’? Well, it’s true. Our body is constantly working behind the scenes to keep us functioning and well, but it does need help.

Cutting back, if not cutting out completely, on  toxins such as caffeine, alcohol and cigarettes will provide your body will lower heart rates, less physical stress to contend with and ensures we can absorb the required vitamins from our foods.

exercise for health
Whether it’s a walk with the dog, an exercise class, swimming or a trip to the gym, try to exercise daily. Guidelines recommend we exercise for 20 minutes a day or have 3 x 60 minute exercise sessions per week. Exercising will increase your energy levels, improve circulatory problems, relax you and tone up your muscles. It can even reduce cellulite – what are you waiting for!

We are all told of the harms of the sunshine, but did you know that your body needs a certain amount of sunshine to produce Vitamin D? Vitamin D ensures there is enough calcium in the body to produce strong and healthy bones and teeth. Just 10 to 15 minutes of exposure to sun per day is all that is needed.

Sleeping Woman
The average person needs between 7-8 hours of sleep per day. This allows the body to recover and repair itself. This time is when our bodies will restore energy supplies and revitalise itself.

If you have problems sleeping try spraying your pillows or bedroom with lavender oil, the relaxing properties of the oil will calm and relax you.
Alternatively a warm bath before bed with 6-8 drops of lavender oil added to it will also help relax you and release any tensions from the day.

We live in a world where stress has, sadly, become a very close acquaintance mainly due to fact we don’t seem to have time to rest. However it is important to take time to rest, even if only for a few minutes to prevent over stimulation of mind and body. Taking a few minutes to practice deep breathing, yoga, meditation or some simple stretching will help clear your mind and loosen any tension in your body.
Just remember, a healthy body equals a healthy mind!

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Encouraging Good Habits: How to Build a Healthy Lifestyle for Your Kids

Most of you know how difficult it is to make major life changes in adulthood. From changing your eating habits to the amount of physical activity you get in a day – it takes a huge commitment to make a it happen. This is why, as parents, it’s of the utmost importance to raise your kids with these healthy lifestyle ideologies burned into their brains. Children are very susceptible to the influences of their parents which puts even more responsibility on mothers and fathers to promote health and wellbeing from a very young age. Let’s look at a few simple tips that all parents should take heed of.
Pay it forward
Why is this so important? The answer is simple – getting your kids involved with healthy habits at young ages will put them on the right track to avoid heart disease, cancer and a host of other issues that face adults who have lived an entire sedentary life full of unhealthy decisions. If that isn’t reason enough, what will it take?
Healthy Lifestyle
Eat right
Your children are not cooking their own meals, which gives you the responsibility of giving them healthy things to eat on a regular basis. Provide them healthy, well balanced meals and even allow some junk food here and there (helps to avoid a rebellious binge eating phase later on). Your kids might not understand it at the time, but limiting their junk food and snacks at young ages will stick with them later on in life.
When giving food to your kids, give them less than what you expect them to eat and if they want more – great! Most kids will stop when they are full. Aside from cooking healthy food, explain in simple terms the value of eating right as well as the dangers of a lifetime of unhealthy foods. When they fly the nest and finally can make their own decisions the diet choices and wisdom you shared with them should at least serve as guideline for their own lives.
Time to play!
While it is almost inevitable that your kids will find some interest in computers, television shows or video games – limit the amount of time they can spend glued to the TV and encourage them to play games outside with friends or get involved with sports. Kids should get a minimum of an hour of moderate or higher level physical activity every day. Children who exercise a lot have higher life expectancies and typically avoid being overweight. Sufficient exercise has also been linked to better academic standing. Aside from the exercise, the social benefits of interacting with people over a screen never hurt anybody.
Healthy investments
When thinking about a healthy life for your child, cord blood banks may not immediately cross your mind – but they should. This is something that you have to think about before even giving birth but could definitely change your child’s life forever. Stem cells from cord blood and tissue are extracted just after birth from the cut umbilical cord and can be used in a multitude of treatments. The stem cells can regenerate damaged tissues and encourage a body’s organs to heal essentially themselves. Diseases from leukemia to lymphoma and all the way to sickle cell anemia have been effectively treated with cord blood. Take a look at some private cord blood banks like Familycord for what could be a life saving investment for your child.
Be the role model
As a parent, you should strive to be the person that you want your kids to grow up to be. Eat healthy yourself, exercise whenever you can and simply exhibit the qualities that you hope your children grow up with. Lastly, bad habits need to be kicked as soon as possible because waiting longer only makes it harder to encourage a lifestyle change. Good luck, and happy parenting!

Monday, July 27, 2015

Helping kids develop healthy attitudes towards food

Healthy eating image 3
“Why do I need to eat my broccoli, I don’t like it?” – Sound familiar? We understand because it was exactly those types of comments (as well as full plates of food at the end of mealtimes) that inspired us to look for ways to encourage our children to understand that eating is not simply about filling tummies.
By helping your children learn that eating a balanced diet will give them more energy for playing, help them sleep better and grow into a big person (they all seem in such a hurry to be a big boy or girl), you will not only be growing strong, healthy little people but more importantly instilling positive attitudes toward feeding their bodies that will last them a lifetime.
As a nutritionist who is passionate about food, I believe that the joy of food and a healthy relationship with food is something all children should experience.

Ideas to Help Develop Healthy Attitudes

Below are a few ideas to help develop healthy attitudes toward food and ultimately make eating fun!

Teach them why

Did you know that you need protein (such as meat, cheese and beans) to build muscles, calcium for strong teeth and bones and fruit and veges to make you smart and of course those all important carbohydrates for energy? Of course, but do your little ones?   From as early as two you can start to introduce ideas that food is important for growing, having energy and learning. I was amazed at how my nephew responded to this and now regularly says to me “it’s important that I eat my yoghurt so that I can grow up to be big and strong isn’t it Aunty Kate?” The fact that he now understands that what he puts into his body has implications for how his body works is the fundamentals of an attitude that he will carry with him throughout his life and hopefully teach his children too.
Statements such as “one bite of broccoli will help you grow into a big boy so you can start kindy” or “this pasta is going to give you so much energy for swimming tomorrow, we’d better eat some more” start to develop an association with good eating habits.   You’ll even find that helping them understand why lots of coloured, high sugar or salt foods are not good for their bodies all the time does catch on. For instance, “do you know if you only ate biscuits you would have no energy for going to the park, that’s why it’s important to have some food that will make our legs and arms strong, so let’s have a biscuit after you have finished eating your ham sandwich”. There are many wonderful books and games available that reinforce healthy attitudes too.

Presentation of food 

Presentation can make all the difference between whether or not a child will eat food – particularly for those not so exciting foods. Serving foods in funky dishes can encourage consumption as it makes eating fun.  Little minds love to be creative and stimulated. Use a fun and colourful drink bottle to encourage the drinking of water and a gorgeous lunch box to make home packed healthy lunches fun.  Also you can try cutting food into fun shapes – use sandwich cutters or use a knife to cut into squares, circles and triangles. Make fruit kebabs using straws or put veges, hummus, and cottage cheese in and let your child choose what and how they wish to eat it.  Yum Yum Kids sells a wide range of these sorts of products because we believe that the products can make a genuine difference to meal times and healthy eating in general.

Children take responsibility

Food should not only be fun but it should also be about more than just eating.  By this I mean think beyond that last step in the process – the eating.  It’s about educating and empowering your children with knowledge about food and healthy attitudes, which they will carry throughout life.  Children can be involved in all aspects of food from growing plants/food, preparing dishes, cooking, setting the table and cleaning up. By involving children in the preparation and cooking of meals, you can help stimulate an interest in food and improve the likelihood of your child eating the meal.  I know it isn’t realistic to think that you have time in today’s hectic world to let your kids help cook dinner every night but choose a routine that works for you – be it once a week or even once a month.  It all helps.
Food preparation offers great learning opportunities, socialisation and gives children an appreciation for food. Simple meals that children can create themselves are great such as pizzas and tacos. A safety step, funky place mats and utensils designed just for children make them feel involved throughout the process and enhances the experience for a child.  Let children serve themselves and determine their own meal size. A healthy child is the best judge of how much they should eat. Children have built in hunger and satiety cues, which determine their appetite. By letting them decide on their own meal size you are ensuring they are in tune with their natural appetite and requirements. Plates made just for children are a great way to guide children’s serving sizes.  Don’t worry – children generally eat when they’re hungry and won’t starve themselves.

Positive reinforcement

Acknowledge good behaviours and ignore the bad – avoid forcing or coercing a child to eat. Try to be calm, firm and consistent.  Children watch what you eat and learn from your relationship with food. Young, children are more likely to want to eat the food their parents eat. As they get older, they tend to want the foods that their friends (and the kids in commercials) eat. Thus, role modelling is one of the best ways to encourage your child to eat well – teaching them to make healthy food choices puts them on track to a lifetime of benefits.
Avoid offering lots of alternatives if the prepared meal is refused. You decide what’s on the menu.  They may not be hungry.  Remember children go through growth and activity spurts, so sometimes they are really hungry and sometimes they eat like birds. As long as you offer nutritious food, you can trust your child’s appetite to get the balance right.  Try to choose healthy snacks – alternatives high in sugar, fat and salt (lollies, chips and cakes) interfere with their natural appetite for nutritious food.  Let their appetite be the guide.

Variety of foods 

Introduce children to a range of tastes, textures and colours.  To stay healthy and grow, it’s important young children eat a variety of different foods. Try to choose food not just from the four food groups, but also different foods within each food group, as they are rich in different vitamins and minerals.  A banana for example is a great source of vitamin B whereas an orange is a good source of vitamin C…but both sit within the same food group.  Ensuring variety both between and within food groups means you are giving your child the greatest chance of getting a balanced and nutritious diet.
Children may need to be offered a new food 6-10 times before they taste it and, eventually, eat it. Keep offering a small amount of the food that your child has previously refused as repeated tasting helps them to learn to accept new foods. It helps if they see parents and peers eating them too. A food reward chart is a fantastic tool to help raise your child’s awareness of new foods – it is also a fabulous way to all be involved and helps to make eating fun!!

Mealtime routine 

Set up a routine around mealtime so everyone knows what to expect. It helps to eat around the same time and commit time to eating – discourage rushing of the meal to do other things. The mealtime routine can be flexible and fun – try mixing it up a bit – a picnic at the beach or park or outside if the weather’s fine. The aim is to foster a calm, friendly atmosphere – a stressful climate at mealtimes teaches children to regard mealtimes as an ordeal, not the fun positive experience that it should be.
Consider that feeling hungry is partly determined by your child’s ‘stomach clock’ – how much he ate yesterday at the same time. Meals at regular times actually encourage a healthy appetite next mealtime. You can use this to encourage children who under eat at mealtimes to eat more by limiting ‘grazing’ (or random snacking). On the other hand, regular healthy snacks can be a great way to reduce overeating at mealtimes.

Make mealtimes a social family time

Have meals together as a family – sociable and impressionable, small children benefit hugely by being included in the family meal, absorbing everything from table manners to family dynamics, social skills to an open-minded attitude toward new food.  If children observe siblings and adults eating a range of foods at family meals, they will be more likely to try it themselves.
Eating together as a family whenever you can also helps children understand and pick up a few table manners.  Right from the start, try to encourage your toddler to sit whenever he/she is eating or drinking – its safer and lays the foundation for the development of a healthy appreciation of food and the importance of making time for food/eating. Small children may not tolerate sitting down for an entire meal – but at least encourage them to eat what they wish sitting down and allow them to leave the table when they’ve finished. The finer points of manners, for instance talking with a mouthful or reaching over others probably won’t be grasped by children until they are about five years old, so don’t expect too much – just keep kindly reminding them.

A Place for ALL food

As lovers of everything about food, my view on ‘junk food’ is a pragmatic one. If you want your child to have a ‘normal up-bringing’, avoiding junk food is almost impossible. So my approach is based on managing it and approaching it in moderation.
In my opinion, the biggest problem with junk food is the fact that generally it is highly processed with large quantities of unknown additives, preservatives, and chemicals. ‘Junk’ food offers very little in terms of benefiting your child nutritionally AND is full of empty calories, which can contribute to weight and health problems.
The emphasis for parents should be to empower children with information and knowledge about food to allow them to make good life choices in relation to food. Keep it in perspective – there is no such thing as ‘BAD’ food! Some foods are healthier and should be eaten everyday whilst other foods should only be eaten occasionally.
Make takeaways healthier by the choices you make – look for lower fat alternatives – kebabs, burgers, grilled fish, rice or noodle based dishes with veges.  Another alternative is to make homemade ‘takeaways’ – grilled fish and chips or homemade pizza with all your child’s favourite toppings.

Friday, July 24, 2015

How To Recognize A Heart Attack One Month Before It Happens.

How To Recognize A Heart Attack One Month Before It Happens
For many years, heart attacks have been one of the leading causes of death in America, and they still are. It is very important to spot the symptoms of a heart attack before it happens, and you can do that a month or so in advance.
Many people who are at risk of having a heart attack are putting a lot of stress on their bodies, and they aren’t even aware that they are doing so. A heart attack occurs when there is a buildup of plaque in your arteries. This plaque buildup causes a loss of blood supply to the heart, which can lead to a heart attack.
A heart attack is basically dead tissue that is killed during the loss of blood flow. This dead tissue results in extreme pain and pressure, both of which are experienced at the moment when you have a heart attack. Cardiovascular health is extremely important, since the heart is responsible for a hefty amount of work that keeps us alive.
Here is a list of the 6 most common symptoms you should look out for:
Poor circulation affects the proper blood flow to the brain, which is crucial for the brain to operate appropriately. This sign may mean that you are in great danger, and you should seek medical attention without delay.
This sign is the most obvious of them all. Chest pressure is a clear sign that a heart attack can occur in the near future. Many people ignore this pressure, and claim that it’s nothing or that it’s normal, but it’s anything but. If you are experiencing pressure, get checked out immediately.
If you are becoming increasingly weak, that may be another dangerous sign that you may have a heart attack. This feeling of weakness occurs because your arteries have continued to narrow, and this doesn’t allow a proper blood flow throughout the body.
Cold and flu like symptoms were developed in many people right before an attack happened. These signs are very scary, and once again, you must contact your doctor immediately.
Constant feelings of tiredness and drowsiness could be a result of a loss of blood flow to your heart. This happens when there is a buildup of plaque in the arteries, which carry blood to and from the heart.
The lungs are also going to suffer if there’s a loss of blood flow. If the lungs don’t get enough blood, then you won’t be able to take in enough air, which results to shortness of breath. If you are having trouble breathing, you should contact your doctor immediately, because this is a very bad sign.
If you experience any of these symptoms, then you must go to your doctor. The best way to prevent a heart attack is to be able to recognize the symptoms before it happens. Do whatever you can in order to ensure that you have good cardiovascular health, because this could be the difference between life and death.

Healthy Eating For Your Heart.

Healthy Eating For Your Heart Healthy Eating For Your HeartBad cholesterol or poor diet is something we do from time to time. It is impossible to eat healthy food all the time, but we can try to do this without a doubt there are moments that are difficult to avoid poor diet. Healthy eating for your heart is something we all must do, especially for those who have a high risk of diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
Food and heart disease
We know this – a diet high in saturated fat increase cholesterol, high cholesterol is closely linked (risk) with heart disease. And we also know that obese people have a high risk for several diseases, including heart disease. High in sodium increases blood pressure, which causes inflammation and even heart disease. Examples of foods high in sodium include salt, cereals, canned foods, soy sauce, spaghetti sauce and teriyaki sauce.
To help prevent heart disease and improve your health in general. some tips and food in the background is very good for the health of the heart.
Choice of healthy oils and fats
Foods that contain saturated fat increases the risk of heart disease. Found in butter, meat and coconut oil even. You should avoid until their cholesterol levels and are at a healthy weight. Instead you can enjoy seafood and nuts of alternative source of protein. After reaching a healthy weight can some while can eat meat, provided that it is possible to select a healthy meat. You eat a lot of fish, but to eat significant results herring, sardines and salmon, which is a type of fish that contain large amounts of Omega 3 essential fatty acids.
The monounsaturated fats in olive oil helps protect the heart from heart disease. Olive oil is an ideal choice for cooking or dressing
Selection of carbohydrates
Eating for heart consists of staying away from foods containing sugar such as candy, cookies, tarts and cakes. Eating too much sugar isn’t good for heart disease at all. Healthy carbohydrates mean loaves of whole grain, wheat pasta, brown rice, and plenty of vegetables. You must make fruits and vegetables, the main aspect of your diet.
To make the appropriate changes to your diet, remember that you need time to become a habit. Eating healthy is always good for the body and the heart.