Tuesday, September 15, 2015

What is more important Diet or Exercise?

One way or another, when approaching to healthier lifestyle, we tend to validate and question which one is more important: diet or exercise?
Let`s give an honest overall opinion on this; every time I hear the saying that being or looking fit is “80 percent diet and 20 percent exercise”, I cringe. When posing the question if diet is incredibly important to fat loss, weight loss, and/or a healthy body? The answer is -Yes.
Then again, we wonder if working out is essential to fat loss, weight loss, and a healthy body? Yet, again – Yes; completely.

Both are equally necessary for a strong, healthy, good-looking body; there’s no reason to diminish one to another; both have important roles for your projected lifestyle change.
Furthermore, the minimization of the value of workouts is an over simplified, overly dramatic response to the incorrect assumption that you can out-exercise a bad diet.
To minimize the importance of exercise is to completely ignore the fact that working out has the capacity to strengthen your heart and your immune system, increase bone density, prevent diabetes, cancer and heart disease, increase your lung capacity, and more. For this reason, we think it’s wrong to downplay the role of exercise in both weight loss and health.
There is a big difference in weight loss via diet, and weight loss via diet and exercise; the method that is proven to be healthier, and leads to a body that is capable, and strong. When losing weight from diet alone you`ll end up to be frail, and your health will suffer.
It’s true that it’s much easier to decrease a significant number of calories compared to how difficult is to burn them off through exercise. For example, let’s take a hypothetical huge holiday cheat for example, where a person has consumed upwards of 7000 calories. How likely is it that they have the endurance or the time to burn off that many calories? Eventually, it adds up to weight gain.
Without exercise, a person will be forced to maintain a very low calorie diet, which is not pleasant, reasonable, or healthy. Additionally, unless a person is being completely on point with their food choices, it also lessens the likelihood that a person is easily able to get all of the vitamins and nutrients that they need.

Diet-dominate weight loss focuses on deprivation from food, instead of the growth and increase in strength and endurance that comes with exercise. Exercise increases confidence, which in turn can increase the likelihood of making smart food choices.
 In closing, we definitely, believe that diet is enormously important to fitness, weight loss, and health. However, we don’t see why the value of exercise needs to be diminished as well.

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