Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Understanding The Principles Of Sound Health

Health is Wealth
Health is Wealth
The Ultimate Tenderhelp Foundation Health Unit is designed to help people achieve health through information on health, consultation and counseling, questions and answers section on health.This week, we shall discuss health and some unhealthy habits.
Health is a complete state of physical, mental, social, emotional, occupational and spiritual well being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. Achieving health does not occur by chance even if you were born healthy,there are things you must know and do continiously to promote your health, prevent diseases and prolong your life. You need to have  healthy habits which will include serving God.
A habit is a routine of behaviour that is repeated regularly and tends to occur unconciously. The followings are some unhealthy habits-
1. Eating too much junks
2. Skipping breakfast
3. Not drinking enough water
4. Cigarette smoking
5. Alcohol intake( binge drinking)
6. Sedentary lifestyle
7. Abnormal sleeping pattern
8. Worries and anxiety
9. Self medication
10.Poor sanitation and hygiene
11.Lying constantly
Subsequently, each of these habits will be discussed-short and long term effects on health and ways to overcome them-in details. How to manage stress and other common ailments, issues related to infertility, maternal and child health and family health in general.
Your questions and comments will be entertained.

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