Monday, June 29, 2015

Tips On Eating Healthy: Learn How to Eat Right!

Healthy Fruit
Here are my favorite tips on eating healthy! Yes, there's more to proper eating than just eating the right foods.

Eight Healthy Eating Tips

1. Eliminate the Really Unhealthy Foods.

Unhealthy FoodHere's one of the most obvious healthy eating tips: Get the really unhealthy foods anddangerous food additives out of your life as best you can. Go through your cupboards, freezer and fridge and pull out all those foods with nasty ingredients.
If you can afford to toss them, do it (or give to someone in need - I feel guilty suggesting you pass unwholesome foods on to others, but when people need to eat, they need to eat). If you can't afford to toss or give a food away, vow that when it's gone, you'll buy a better replacement next time you grocery shop.

2. Base Your Daily Diet on Nutritious Foods.

Healthy Food ListPlease check out my page on which I give you a list of healthy food. You can print out the list and take it with you to the grocery store. Also, be sure to read my healthy eating guidelines, where I talk about the difference between the "good-for-us" foods our ancestors ate compared to the "bad-for-us" foods we now eat.

3. Eat the Highest Quality Foods You Can Afford.

Organic Food LabelsThis is one of the most overlooked important healthy eating tips. If you can swing organic foods, do it. Do your very best to stay away from fast foods. Be as kind to yourself and your body as possible. You deserve it!

4. Learn What a Healthy Food Portion Size Is.

Eat off dishes that are sized for humans, not Big Foot (Big Foots/Big Feet?). We're so used to everything being supersized, it's hard to know what a proper-sized portion really is! My page on food portion size can help you learn to identify a healthy portion size when you see it.

5. Learn When to Eat and When To Stop.

Portion ControlThis is one of those tips on healthy eating that everyone needs to learn. Knowing when to eat is almost as important as what you eat. Learn to recognize when you're hungry and when you're full. Rate your hunger on a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being starving and 10 being stuffed). Try to eat when you're a 3 (slightly hungry) and stop when you're a 7 (satisfied but not stuffed). That's all there is to that!

6. Learn How Often to Eat - More Often is Better!

Don't skip a meal or starve yourself - your body will go into starvation mode, your metabolism will slow down and your body will hang on to its stores of fat. Plus, you'll feel lousy. Plan to eat every 2 to 3 hours - that means about 5 or 6 SMALL meals a day. When you eat like this, your blood sugar stays steady and you never feel starving!

7. Learn How to Eat - Be Mindful and Present.

Enjoy EatingNot as crazy as it sounds! Be mindful when you eat - be present, appreciate and enjoy each bite. Create a soothing environment in which to eat.
Here's a healthy eating tip we should all heed - if at all possible, don't eat while driving or walking or watching television. Your body will process your food more efficiently when you slow down! The mind-body connection is VERY powerful. I'll talk more about this later as my website develops, I promise!

8. Do the Best You Can Each and Every Day.

Eating healthy and learning the habits of a healthy lifestyle takes time! This is a process. You won't be perfect - ever (and think how boring it would be if you were). I cook most of my own meals and most of time they're pretty darn wholesome.

But, I'm married to a barbeque nut, so when he fires up the grill, all bets of a "healthy" meal are off. When I go to parties or to dinners at friends' homes, I eat more of the more nutritious choices and less of the not-so-nutritious ones. But, I still enjoy what they have taken the time to prepare for me.

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