Friday, June 5, 2015

Biggest Stumbling Block to living Healthy Lifestyles.

I believe the biggest stumbling block to people wanting to live a healthy lifestyle is that we can’t psychically see the damage it’s doing to our bodies. What if our bodies were see through and we saw this:
Our bodies are covered by the skin (which believe me, can be a good thing. I can’t imagine being able to see our intestines and the process of creating a dump) so we can’t see how our eating and habits affect our health.
Another problem is: We often don’t feel any symptoms of being unhealthy until it’s too late. BAM! OOPS, I just had a heart attack. Oh dear, my lungs just collapsed.
What we can’t see, can’t hurt us, right?
I want to tell you a really funny story. (Let’s just hope my mother doesn’t kill me for spilling the beans on her!)
One day, she was on the train with earphones on and it was playing loudly. She wanted to fart but because she was sitting next to all these people, she was afraid of them hearing. However, because the radio coming from her earphones was so loud, she farted (perhaps loudly?) and didn’t hear it herself. So she thought: OH THIS IS NEAT, I just farted and I couldn’t hear it, therefore everyone else probably didn’t hear it either! Um, well let’s say perhaps her sound was just covered by the noise of her earphones?
Moral of the story: Covering your own ears/eyes doesn’t actually make the issue go away. It just fools yourself into thinking that it’s gone.
I believe this is the attitude of many people when it comes to our health. We don’t worry about it because we can’t “see” or “feel” anything wrong. But what if, just what if you go from functioning properly to getting a heart attack and dying in a day? What if the distance between life and death was only a step away?
What can we do about this?
Sometimes, I find imagination really helps. For example, I eat healthy food and imagine myself feeling healthier, even though I don’t actually feel different, but sometimes the powers of my thoughts can even make me feel as if this food made me much healthier!
Catch Little Symptoms
We may not feel huge symptoms but we could feel little ones. For example, being overweight could make our legs itchy or get bad sleeps due to sleep aponea or snoring. Try and catch these little symptoms and focus on getting rid of them.
Fear is the most powerful emotion in keeping is safe!
I think that fear is what keeps us alive. Imagine if you’ve got no fear at all, and the things you’d get up to that may be dangerous! We need to find some ways of creating a little “healthy” fear (not phobia like fear that stops you from doing normal things) that can motivate you into living healthier lives.

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