Tuesday, August 18, 2015

5 Easy Tips to Help You Plan Healthy Meals

Now that a new year is upon us, many view it as an opportunity for a fresh start. Losing weight usually tops many New Year's resolution lists, but it can be overwhelming not knowing where to begin. Meal planning truly sets the foundation for healthy eating. Planning your meals for the week ahead can help alleviate much unwanted stress that can come with cooking during the week. Also, you are much more likely to make better choices when having a plan.


Here are some tips to help you become a meal planning professional.

Look At the Week Ahead

When it comes to meal planning, it's important to see what activities your week ahead will include. Perhaps your child has an after-school activity or you plan to work late to meet a deadline. Since busier days can often lead to choosing quick and easy fast-food meals, plan to cook larger portions earlier in the week and put away some for leftovers. Planning for no-cook meals such as wraps or salads, which only take a few minutes, is another healthy alternative to fast food.

Find Recipe Inspiration

It can be easy to get stuck in a rut with cooking. Many of us have old standby meals in our weekly rotation. To liven up your cooking, search ahead for new recipes to try. You can print them out and organize them in a recipe book or look to sites like Pinterest where you can save and share recipes online. If you are short on time, look for recipes that involve little preparation, short cooking times, or even use the help of a slow cooker.

Map It Out

Whether you prefer to use a calendar on your phone or just simply pen and paper, it is important to write out the meals you plan to make for the week. Label your meals Monday through Sunday and be sure to include days you plan to eat out. If you struggle with eating healthy at lunch, you might want to consider making a meal plan for your lunches for the upcoming week as well. It is much easier to stick with your meals for the week when you have them organized.

Make Your Grocery List

How many times have you gone to the grocery store more than once in a week because you had forgotten to pick up a certain ingredient or needed to pick up dinner for that night? Since our time is valuable, planning out an in-depth grocery list will save you in the long run. First, check what you have at home. Are there certain staples that you need to restock or already own? Next, look at your dinner recipes and decide what ingredients you will need. Make sure to pick up healthy snacks to have at home along with your regular staples whether it be milk, coffee, or bread. The majority of your list should include whole, unprocessed foods like fruits, vegetables, beans, grains and nuts.

Prep All At Once

When you arrive home from the grocery store and are starting to put everything away, use this time to prep your food for the week as well. If you need chopped vegetables for a dish that night as well as later in the week, why not use just the one cutting board and do it all at once? If you plan to make chicken, cook up extra to use for salads, wraps, or sandwiches later on. By doing the prep ahead, it will save you time during your busy week.

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